Have you decided to work virtually as a team due to the Corona virus pandemic? Here’s how to manage your team efficiently while hitting your goals.

Lets highlight the following headlines ;
Weekly System


Have you had instances where even though you’ve checked off items on your To-Do list, you haven’t really moved the needle towards reaching your goals? It happens often.
Every business has milestones it wants to achieve, and you should have that for yours as well. What you do here is to break down this big mountainous goal(s) into rocks for each week, and assign tasks based on each week’s “rock”. It’s important to assign tasks with the week’s rock in mind. By the end of the week, the completion of all tasks should invariably mean hitting that week’s goal.

  • Tools
    What you will need:
    An instant messaging tool
    A project management tool
    A platform to hold your Meetings
    An easily accessible storage location for all your important documents
    Your “how to” document (SOP / Process Manual) easily accessible by all team members

Weekly Work System :Develop a weekly system. Set things up so that every week, you’re working towards the completion of your business goals.

Plan. Decide on what you’ll want to achieve each week as a team. Decide on the specifics you’ll want to get done, under everyone’s name (this can be set up on whatever project management tool you use).
Hold a team meeting to communicate and organize the work load for each team member. Ensure everyone is clear on tasks and communicates any needs or constraints if any. Get feedback from the team.
Important: Do not assign work piece-meal or your entire week may be spent loading and reloading tasks for each team member

Tuesday – Thursday:
Check-Ins. Every morning, have everyone get back to you – “On Track” or “Not On Track”. You don’t want surprises on Friday.


Hold a team meeting to check items off the goals / to-do list.
Quality Assurance. Look over tasks and ensure they have been completed to standard.
Update System. Did anything go wrong during the week? A mistake? Assign a staff to update the related system document to ensure mistakes aren’t repeated.
If there are uncompleted tasks, load them up in the following week

Listed below are some tools you will need (and some recommendations in each category) for seamless work flow:

  • An instant messaging tool – Slack, Whats App
  • A project management tool – Trello, Asana
  • A platform to hold your Meetings – Zoom, Skype
  • An easily accessible storage location for all your important documents – Google Drive, Dropbox
    Your “how to” document (SOP / Process Manual) easily accessible by all team member

Did I leave anything out? Do you currently use something that comes highly recommended?

Please kindly share.