McTimothy Associates

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Intermediate Excel For Financial and Business Analysis

Why Attend

The fact is that Excel is the accountant’s, finance and business professional’s best
friend. Companies everywhere are overwhelmed by the abundance of unstructured and unclean
data. Monthly, quarterly and annual closings are immensely data driven and require moving and
exporting data from ‘ERP’ and databases to Excel. In this hands-on course, McTimothy Associates
will help you advance your data massaging, modeling, integration and automation skills to new
levels. You will also master normalization and massaging of noisy data, preparation of reports,
analysis and reconciliation.

This intermediate course is to make participants understand some critical functions and their usages in MS
Excel. It starts with Data Manipulations, and goes on to Formatting and Displaying Techniques, Creating
organizations, Linking of Data and Worksheets, all through to Querying of your Databases.

$ 195.53

Event Date: 25/04/2024 – 27/04/2024


More Dates

13/06/2024 – 15/06/2024

Price: $ 195.53

15/08/2024 – 17/08/2024

Price: $ 195.53

12/12/2024 – 14/12/2024

Price: $ 195.53

Course Methodology
20% of the course is ‘design and structure’ focused while 80% uses MS Excel as a powerful tool to
perform daily, monthly and periodic tasks. Groups and individuals will be required to complete
exercises, case studies, and projects on a daily basis.

Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
 Apply Excel reporting expertise in business, finance, and accounting by enhancing data slicing and dicing, data massaging, and data analysis skills
 Use pivot tables and pivot charts to perform automated report writing, analysis and reconciliation most efficiently
 Develop and use charts formatting techniques
 Repeat tasks and generate reports efficiently by recording, running and editing macros
 Acquire numerous tips and tricks that will improve working efficiency

Target Audience
Business, finance and accounting professionals, senior and junior accountants, business analysts,
research professionals, marketing and sales professionals, administrative staff, supervisors, general
business professionals and staff from any function who need to learn and apply state-of-the-art
techniques to their daily business reporting, reconciliations, and analysis.

Course Contents

Manipulating Data and Named Ranges
•    Paste Special
•    Transposing data
•    Importing text and delimiting by space, comma or tab
•    What does naming a cell range mean?
•    Rules for naming cells and ranges
•    Naming cell range(s) in a worksheet
•    Named ranges within formulas
•    Navigating through workbooks using named ranges
•    Creating named ranges automatically based on cell values
•    Deleting named cells/ranges
•    Creating organizations
•    Removing organizations.
 Excel Templates
•    Using templates
•    Creating templates
•    Opening and editing templates.
Formatting and Display Techniques
•    Formatting tables
•    Formatting tables using table styles
•    Formatting cell ranges using conditional formatting
•    Creating custom number formats
•    Freezing the top row
•    Freezing the first column
•    Freezing the top row and the first column at the same time
•    Hiding and un-hiding rows
•    Hiding and un-hiding columns
•    Hiding and un-hiding worksheets.

Sorting and Querying Data
•    Sorting internal Excel databases
•    Custom sort options
•    Using AutoFilter to query data
•    Multiple queries
•    Removing filters
•    Top 10 AutoFilter
•    Filtering unique records
•    Advanced Filter.
Linking and Consolidating Data
•    Linking individual cells within a worksheet
•    Linking charts to data within a worksheet
•    Linking a cell range on one worksheet to another worksheet (within the same workbook)
•    Linking data on one worksheet to a chart in another worksheet (within the same workbook)
•    Linking data from one workbook to another
•    Linking a chart from one workbook to another
•    Copying data from Excel into a Word document
•    Linking data from Excel into a Word document
•    Copying a chart from Excel into a Word document
•    Linking a chart from Excel into a Word document
•    Consolidating data over several worksheets or worksheet pages.

Charts Formatting Techniques
•    Changing the angle of pie chart slices
•    Formatting the chart axis fonts
•    Formatting the chart axis scales
•    Formatting the chart axis text orientation
•    Creating and positioning a chart title
•    Re-positioning a chart legend
•    Re-positioning chart data labels
•    Exploding the segments within a pie chart
•    Deleting a data series within a chart
•    Adding a data series to a chart
•    Modifying the chart type for a defined data series
•    Widening the gap between columns / bars within a 2-D chart
•    Inserting an image into a 2D chart (as a background)
•    Inserting an image into a 2D chart (to format a column or bar of data).
Protection and Security
•    Specifying a password for opening a workbook
•    Using the “read-only recommended” option
•    Removing a password from an Excel workbook
•    Protecting a worksheet or worksheet elements
•    Removing workbook protection
•    Allowing selective editing of a protected worksheet.

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