McTimothy Associates

Marketing Communications and Brand Management

Why Attend

Marketing Communications and Brand Management starts with understanding the core concept of “brand.” This involves developing a promise, consistently delivering on it, and maintaining its integrity over time. Successful branding encompasses defining the brand, positioning it effectively, and ensuring its delivery meets or exceeds expectations.

A strong brand fosters customer loyalty, sets your products apart from competitors, and enhances your business’s quality perception.

In this intensive 3-day program, McTimothy Associates empowers participants with the essential knowledge and practical skills to build, communicate, and manage exceptional brands. This course is designed to help organizations achieve branding success and elevate their market presence.

210,000.0000 VAT

Event Date: 22/05/2025 – 24/05/2025

More Dates

20/02/2025 – 22/02/2025

Price: 210,000.0000 VAT

21/08/2025 – 23/08/2025

Price: 210,000.0000 VAT

Course Outlines

Day One

How Marketing Communication Works?

  • The communications process
  • How audiences process information and make decisions
  • Establishing and maintaining successful stakeholder relationships
  • Above and below the line activities
  • Ethics, responsibility and codes of practice
  • Understanding global audiences and communication challenges
  • The Marketing Communications mix
  • How and when to use the tools: advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling
  • Choosing between the different medium: broadcast, print, outdoor, digital, social media, in-store

Day Two

The Marketing Communications mix (Cont.)

  • Co-ordinating and integrating marketing communication activities
  • Insights into media planning and buying
  • Developing effective messages using the different types of appeals
  • Creating content audiences pay attention to and understand
  • Managing Marketing Communication Programmes and Campaigns
  • Selecting between the different marketing communication strategies
  • Frameworks for planning communication activities
  • Developing advertising and sales promotion campaigns
  • Developing public relations and direct marketing campaigns
  • Finances: forecasting expenditure and allocating budgets
  • Metrics and evaluating the effectiveness of communication activities

Day Three

Developing and Managing Brand Identity

  • Elements of a brand: logo block, strapline, typefaces, typography, colours, tone of voice, photographic style, grids
  • A-Z steps for building a brand: researching markets, finding a niche, putting your culture and identity into words, creating the brand manual, explaining the brand to different audiences, keeping your brand alive
  • More complex branding decisions: naming families, positioning, extensions, multi-branding, repositioning
  • Reproducing the brand: online, video, brochures, stationery, packaging, signage, promotional items, uniforms, vehicles
  • The people aspects: finding champions to keep you on-brand, persuading customers to pledge loyalty to your brand, defending against internal and external threats
  • Best practice branding case studies

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