Database Basics
- Overview of Relational Database Concepts
- What is a relational database management system?
- Databases! Why do we need them?
- Data Modeling and Design
- Relational Database Structures
- Brief overview of typical databases: Microsoft Access and SQL Server
- Database building blocks: Tables, Columns, Primary key, Foreign Keys, Data Types, Indexes
- Building a database
Single Table Queries
- Retrieving Data using the SELECT Clause
- Using the WHERE Clause in Query
- Using Operators in the WHERE Clause
- Query Filtering Continued BETWEEN, IN and NULL
- Query Filtering Conditions & Operator Precedence
- Ordering, Concatenating & Aliasing Query Results
Single Row Functions
- Single Row Function Using the Dual Table
- Using Functions in Where and Character Based
- Numeric and Date Data type single-row functions
- Conversion single row function and Date formatting
- More Date functions
- Conclusion of Single row functions & NULL/NULLIF functions
Grouping Functions
- Grouping Functions MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT
- GROUP BY Clause & HVING Clause
Multi-Table Queries and Joins
- SELECT within SELECT(Subqueries)
- Relating Tables Together Using JOINS
- Joins Continued INNER & OUTER Joins
- Correlated Subqueries with EXIST & NOT
Creating, Altering, and Updating Objects using SQL
- Creating Your Tables& Design
- Inserting Data into our Table
- Create a Table with a Primary key Constraint
- Using ALTER to modify the table structure
- Create a Table with SELECT+UPDATE Data
- Primary and Foreign Keys
- Working With Database Index
- System Tables, Pseudo Columns& Deleting Duplicates
- Views and Other Objects and Commands
- Granting and Revoking Privileges