With competition increasing every day and the mounting pressures that characterize tough economic times, you need proven marketing techniques to generate demand for your products and services. Banks, Insurance companies, Investment houses, and many other financial services offer similar products and services mostly. What distinguishes one from another therefore will be the quality and uniqueness of services rendered, plus the marketing strategies deployed. This program is packaged to deepen the participants’ knowledge of service delivery and also enhance their marketing skills which will position them for innovative and excellent service delivery.
₦195,000.0000 VAT
Event Date: 10/02/2025 – 11/02/2025
23/05/2025 – 24/05/2025 |
Price: ₦195,000.0000 VAT |
29/08/2025 – 30/08/2025 |
Price: ₦195,000.0000 VAT |
Course MethodologyÂ
In addition to the classical concepts the course offers, the course employs a wide array of case studies, templates, and Excel sheets to help participants acquire the right marketing competencies and apply them in a seamless and professional manner.
Course ObjectivesÂ
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Target AudienceÂ
The training course will be of interest to a wide range of marketing, PR, communications, sales and operations professionals. It is of special value to marketing managers in firms, businesses, organizations and institutions of all sizes and in all sectors.
Target CompetenciesÂ
DAY ONE Overview of Marketing and Financial Services. Financial Services Marketing Strategies Marketing Planning DAY TWO Marketing Research in Financial Services Understanding Consumer Behaviour Promotional Mix DAY THREE Customer Relationship Management Customer Care for Business Success Ethical Marketing o Setting and monitoring ethics standards