- Functions and Business Models of Financial Institutions
- Commercial banks and deposit takers
- Maturity transformation model
- Sensitivity of banking sector to market stress
- Deposit insurance
- Resolution
- Living wills
- Bail in instruments
- Insurance companies
- Asset/liability management
- Risk tolerance
- Economic capital
- Structure and functions of Investment Banks (IB’s)
- Financing
- Client facilitation
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Contrast business models of buy side firms
- Asset managers and sell side firms
- IB’s
- Fund management
- Pension funds
- Defined benefit versus defined contribution
- Investment management
- Performance ratios
- Benchmarks
- Passive versus active
- Hedge funds
- Hedge fund size
- Assets Under Management (AUM)/incentive fees business model
- Regulatory oversight
- Macro-Economic Drivers of Financial Markets
- Growth Domestic Product (GDP) growth, productivity, employment, capacity utilization
- Increasing role of emerging market (EM) economies, frontier markets and frontier currencies
- Interest rate differentials
- Comparison of short term rates
- US, EU, UK, Japanese rates
- Foreign Exchange (FX) carry trade
- Traditional pairs and increasing use of dollar as funding currency
- Balance of payments, trade imbalances, capital flows
- Inflation outlooks for developed and developing economies
- Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI)
- Productivity differentials
- Costs for labor and capital, and Return on Investment (ROI)
- Geo-political events
- Political crises, currency wars, trade policy
- Commodity markets – supply chain challenges, de-globalization themes
- Inflationary impulses, monetary policy response
- Monetary Policy of Central Banks
- Monetary policies of US, EU, UK, Japan and China
- Quantitative Easing (QE)
- Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT)
- Capital controls
- Traditional tools of open market operations
- Liquidity provisioning, reserves
- Unorthodox techniques
- QE/asset purchase programs
- Yield curve characteristics
- Influence of short term rates on long rates
- Macro-prudential tools
- Status of non-discretionary policy guidelines
- FX reserves management
- Role of EM central banks in managing FX rates
- Implications of interest rate policy normalization for asset markets, impact on EM
- Overview of Risk Management
- Statistical nature of risk versus absence of probabilistic dimension to uncertainty
- Summarizing the principal types of financial risk
- Types of risk
- Market risk and capital adequacy
- Credit risk
- Liquidity risk
- Sovereign risk
- Systemic risk
- Operational, legal and reputational risk
- Methodological principles of Value at Risk (VaR)
- Are financial returns normally distributed?
- Risk/reward concepts from Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- Modelling risk scenarios
- Stress testing
- Regressions based on outlier values
- Monte Carlo simulations
- Back testing
- Hedging strategies
- Use of swaps and other derivatives to manage risk
- Corporate governance issues
- Conflicts of interest
- Internal risk control processes
- Non-executive directors (NED’s)
- Major regulatory initiatives
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- Dodd-Frank Act
- BCBS and Basel II and III
- Revamped UK regulatory structure
- Financial Stability Board
- Root Causes of Financial Instability and Systemic Risk
- Historical illustrations of investment manias (e.g. South Sea Bubble, 1929 Crash, 1987 Crash, Asian Crisis, Japanese asset markets crash 1990, Nasdaq Collapse 2000/1)
- Special characteristics of the systemic crisis of 2007/8
- Counter party credit risk
- American International Group (AIG)
- Financial contagion
- Joint probability of defaults, left tail dependencies, heightened asset movement correlations, tail risk
- Macro-economic theory
- How satisfactory are mainstream explanations for crashes?
- Credit cycles
- Boom/bust
- Excessive leverage
- Inadequate capital and liquidity
- Minsky’s view of the inherent instability of financial systems
- New directions in explaining “non-rationality” in economic behavior, over-confidence, cognitive and emotional dissonance, “herding behavior”
- Episodic crashes from market micro-structure
- 1987 program trading
- 2010 “Flash Crash”