McTimothy Associates

Portfolio Management Workshop – A Capacity Development for Investment Managers

Why Attend

Following the global economic meltdown and the crisis in the financial sector of the Nigerian economy,
coupled with continuous dynamism of the investment environment, it has become very evident that more
discerning investors require the services of well-equipped competent investment professionals to take
charge of their investments.
With the ever-increasing complexities of investments, fluctuating market dynamics, increased
government regulation on institutions and investment types, improved market knowledge,
increasing role of information technology, changes in global accounting standards, the need for
investment managers to be better equipped has become more evident.

Event Date: –

– To equip participants with contemporary skills necessary for return-focused Portfolio analysis
– To provide participants with proven tools for investment management
– To equip participants with adequate knowledge of economic variables and their resultant effect on investment analysis and management
– To expose participants to viable risk management strategies

Who should attend?
ï‚· Stockbrokers / Dealing Clerks
ï‚· Investment Analysts
ï‚· Investment Managers in Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs)
ï‚· Investment Managers in Insurance Companies
ï‚· Portfolio and Fund Managers
ï‚· Investment/Wealth Managers
ï‚· Financial/Investment Advisers
ï‚· Investment Managers of Multipurpose Cooperative Societies, etc.

Training Highlights
ï‚· Understanding and Interpreting Economic Indicators
ï‚· Fixed Income Portfolio Management
ï‚· Contemporary Strategies for Managing Equity Portfolio
ï‚· Asset Selection and Allocation Strategies
ï‚· Portfolio Analysis and Mark-to- Market
ï‚· Portfolio Monitoring and Rebalancing for Optimal performance
Why you must develop your capacity for modern investment analysis
The changing nature of investment environment globally has called for continuous capacity
development by investment managers. Therefore, only well-equipped investment professionals
can add value in real terms to the investments they manage.

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