Module 1 – Introduction to IPSASB
- An overview of the work of the Board (IPSASB) includes:
- The organization,
- The characteristics of public sector entities,
- The relationship between IPSAS®
- The purpose of financial statements and any ongoing projects
Module 2 – Financial Statements presentation and accounting policy
- Key IPSAS requirements within financial statements (IPSAS® 1)
- Producing the statement of financial position
- Producing the cash flow statement (IPSAS® 2)
- Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates, and errors (IPSAS® 3)
- Segment reporting (IPSAS 18)
- Disclosure standards and other topics, presentation of budget information (IPSAS 24)
- Reporting changes in net asset position
- Producing compliant notes to the accounts
Module 3 – Financial performance
- Provides an understanding of:
- Non-exchange revenue (IPSAS® 23)
- Exchange revenue (IPSAS® 9)
- Construction contracts (IPSAS® 11)
Module 4 – Accounting for Assets and Liabilities
- Delivers teaching around a wide range of topics including:
- Property plant and equipment (IPSAS® 17)
- Intangible assets (IPSAS® 31)
- Investment property (IPSAS® 16)
- Impairment of cash generating assets (IPSAS® 26)
- Impairment of non-cash generating assets (IPSAS® 21)
- Borrowing costs (IPSAS® 5)
- Inventories (IPSAS® 12)
- Leases (IPSAS® 13)
- Financial instruments (IPSAS® 28, 29, 30)
- Provisions
- Contingent liabilities and contingent assets (IPSAS® 19)
- Events after the reporting date (IPSAS® 14)
- Employee benefits (IPSAS® 25)
- Agriculture (IPSAS® 27)
- Concessions
Module 5 – Consolidation
- Delivers training around:
- Consolidated and separate financial statements (IPSAS® 6)
- Interests in joint ventures (IPSAS® 8)
- Investments in associates (IPSAS® 7)
- Translation of financial statements of foreign operations (IPSAS® 4)
- Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies (IPSAS® 10)
- Disclosure standards and other topics, presentation of budget information (IPSAS® 24)
- Segment reporting (IPSAS® 18)
Module 6 – Disclosure standards
- Related party disclosures (IPSAS® 20)
- Disclosure of financial information about the general government sector (IPSAS® 22)
Module 7 – Cash-Basis IPSAS®
- Delivers training about Part 1 of the cash basis IPSAS®, covering required information in:
- The statement of cash receipts and payments
- Disclosures
- Consolidation under the cash basis
- Presentation of budget information in the financial statements
- The additional (non-mandatory) disclosures encouraged in Part 2 of the cash basis IPSAS®
Module 8 – First-Time Adoption of Accrual-Based IPSAS®
- Delivers training cover the following areas:
- Migrating from cash to accrual basis
- First time adoption of IPSAS® (IPSAS® 33)
- Change management and the adoption of IPSAS®