Course Overview
This is the ‘everything you need to know’ course before you hire someone new talent. By participating in this course, you will learn all you need to know about employee interviews, recruitment, and selection. You will also learn how making the wrong hiring decision means throwing away a substantial investment in time and money. In a nutshell, this course will help you avoid hiring the wrong candidates.
₦150,000.0000 VAT
Event Date: 13/02/2024 – 14/02/2024
The course uses a combination of interactive tools such as lecturettes, case studies, group activities and role plays. The course also uses a selection of short films to inject a higher dose of practicality into the course.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Managers, superintendents, supervisors and officers in the functions of human resources or recruitment whose jobs require recruiting and selecting employees. The course is also very useful for all those outside human resources whose jobs require conducting frequent or important selection interviews.