In today’s world, finance professionals are challenged with providing management a detailed analysis of the impact of the organization’s financial decisions. Therefore, finance professionals need to be skilled at reading through the numbers on the financial statements, analyzing the figures, interpreting the various ratios and presenting this analysis in a dynamic manner. This course takes you from the first step of understanding the relationships between the different elements of financial statements, through calculating and analyzing the financial ratios to the last step of presenting recommendations. While applying Excel tools and techniques, various real-life examples of published financial statements will be used throughout the course.
₦230,000.0000 VAT
Event Date: 17/07/2025 – 19/07/2024
03/04/2025 – 05/04/2025 |
Price: ₦230,000.0000 VAT |
20/11/2025 – 22/11/2025 |
Price: ₦230,000.0000 VAT |
Course Outline