- Role of procurement management
- Total value analysis
- Linking the procurement function to the organization’s strategy
- Optimizing procurement productivity
- Proper buying of materials
- Proper buying of services
- Proper buying of capital equipment
- Speeding up the production of the final product
- Linking the purchasing function to the other supply chain functions
- Negotiating with suppliers
- Qualities of a successful negotiator
- Proper planning strategies
- Preparing the right list of questions
- Things to do before the negotiation
- Things to do during the negotiation
- Things to do after the negotiation
- The right time to negotiate with suppliers
- The number of suppliers to negotiate with
- Choosing the right suppliers
- Managing and evaluating the department’s performance
- Centralization versus decentralization
- Advantages of centralized procurement
- Advantages of decentralized procurement
- Reasons for departmental performance appraisal
- Creating a strong purchasing team
- Distributing the correct workload among the buyers
- Increasing the efficiency of the buyers
- Increasing the team spirit within the department
- Designing and conducting end-users surveys
- Training the procurement staff
- Technical training on purchased items to increase productivity
- The number of training hours per year
- Visiting the supplier plant as a training tool
- Visiting the supplier warehouse as a training tool
- Commodity rotation as a training tool
- Continuous professional development
- Training on ethical behavior
- Kaizen and continuous improvement in procurement
- Innovative purchasing methods
- Implementing new creative procurement ideas
- Improvement initiatives
- Monitoring global market conditions
- Updating procurement KPIs
- The right number of procurement KPIs
- Adding value to the total organization
- Modern supply chain and logistics trends
- Supply chain overview
- Role of logistics
- Sustainability in supply chains and logistics
- Supply chain configuration
- 3PL concepts
- 4PL concepts
- Materials forecasting and inventory planning
- Qualitative forecasting theories
- Forecasting panels
- Thought leaders
- Delphi technique
- Quantitative forecasting techniques
- Seasonal demand forecasting
- Moving average
- Weighted moving average
- Exponential smoothing
- Forecasting error
- Identifying bias
- Determining economic order quantities
- Determining reorder points
- Replenishment strategies
- Make-to-stock
- Make-to-order
- Assemble-to-order
- Procurement and go-to-market strategies
- Role of procurement
- Procurement process flows
- Sourcing strategies
- Vendor management
- Partnerships and alliances
- Role of warehousing in procurement
- Warehousing network design
- Configuration of warehousing space
- Value-adding activities
- Stockpiling, spot stocking, and assortments
- Cross-docking, break bulking, and consolidation
- Mixing, postponement, and assembly-to-order
- Warehousing equipment and tools
- Reverse logistics
- Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) framework for performance management
- SCOR framework overview
- Identifying level 1, 2, and 3 SCOR metrics
- Customizing level 4 SCOR metrics
- Setting performance targets
- Continuous performance improvement