Corporate governance is a very important topic that started getting more attention in business schools and among legislatures a few years ago, with this trend only increasing. There are different models for corporate governance but all aim at organizing the relation between company and stakeholders. Governance models start with Shareholder Wealth Maximization (SWM) that stresses owners rights, as applied mainly in the US and UK. Other methods of governance, applied in Germany or Japan for example, bring other stakeholders strongly into play: mainly the workforce and the bankers. In addition to these models, this course also covers the reasons why board membership may be one tier or two tiers, and includes discussions about board structure, committees, their functions and duties, especially the audit committee and the appointment and remuneration committee. Other topics discussed are the role of the chairman and effect of institutional investors.
₦155,000.0000 VAT
Event Date: 21/03/2023 – 23/03/2023