McTimothy Associates

This event has passed

Competitive Intelligence Master Class (Strategic Competitive Intelligence for Strategic Advantage)

Why Attend

This course examines competitive intelligence models, functions, and practices; the roles of
information professionals in CI, and the management of CI. Discussion and practice topics include
intelligence ethical and legal considerations; identifying intelligence needs; intelligence project
management, research methods, analysis, production, and dissemination; the uses of
intelligence; intelligence sources and tools; managing the intelligence function; and the evolution
of CI.

A working knowledge of print and electronic business information sources is recommended.

250,000.0000 VAT

Event Date: 26/03/2024 – 30/03/2024


Course Objectives
ï‚· Participants would be able to develop capabilities to execute complex cross knotting analyses and synthesis, generating veritable intelligence, Resolving and capping, Due Diligence spawning decision drivers, navigating intelligence streams in other to produce superlative capabilities and performance for rapid and sustainable growth and expansion.
ï‚· Gain competitive advantage and enhances strategic planning and positioning.
ï‚· Become conversant in competitive intelligence, strategic, and corporate/organization terms and concepts.
ï‚· Develop more in-depth knowledge of and anticipate issues impacting organizational effectiveness and competitiveness.
ï‚· Develop an awareness of issues and trends in the field of competitive intelligence, including research, analysis, and process management.
ï‚· Know how to take advantage of opportunities for information professionals in the field of competitive intelligence.
ï‚· Know the range of competitive intelligence tools and services; as well as how to evaluate, select, and use them effectively.
ï‚· Gain familiarity with competitive intelligence-related projects and deliverables.
ï‚· Identify and apply professional tools, news, and resources to gain awareness and build upon skills.
 Learn how to protect an organizations’ competitive and knowledge assets from internal and external threats.
ï‚· Elevate problem solving through targeted analysis.

 ·         Lectures: 70%
 ·         Group Activities and Round Table Discussion: 0%
 ·         Case Studies: 20%

Target Audience
ï‚· CEO, Directors, Entrepreneurs, senior management executives, competitive intelligence (CI) directors and other key executives.
ï‚· Information Professionals
ï‚· Companies investigating expansion into new markets with new products or acquisitions
ï‚· Technology Development Professionals
ï‚· Sales and Marketing Professionals
ï‚· Investors

Course Outlines

Basic Concepts of Competitive Intelligence
ï‚· The Evolution of Competitive Intelligence
ï‚· The Importance of Competitive Intelligence
 The 80 / 20 Rule – Primary vs. Secondary
ï‚· The CI Hypothesis
ï‚· Key Intelligence Topics
ï‚· Managing the CI Results

Tools and Techniques
ï‚· Environmental Mapping Defines the CI Universe
ï‚· Know Thy Self
ï‚· War Games
ï‚· Scenario Analysis
ï‚· Growth-Share Matrix
ï‚· The Art of Primary Research
ï‚· Filtering Information
ï‚· Up Close Analysis of Non-Competing Companies
 Two Important Windows – Job Ads and Trade Shows
ï‚· Tracking Behavior

Best Practices in Competitive Intelligence
ï‚· Time is Critical
ï‚· Universal Sweep
ï‚· Remain Neutral
ï‚· Go Where the Information Is
ï‚· Challenge Conventional Thinking
ï‚· Act Ethically
ï‚· Partner with Risk Management
ï‚· Human Intelligence
ï‚· Infrastructure before Software

 Don’t Over Disclose
ï‚· Contain the Information Flow
ï‚· Sending False Signals
 Don’t be Predictable
ï‚· Recognize Intelligence Attacks
 Don’t be afraid to Counter Attack

Analytical Models: Tools for Competitive Intelligence
ï‚· Product Life Cycles
ï‚· SWOT Analysis
 Porter’s Five Forces Model
ï‚· Value Net Model
ï‚· Four Corners Analysis
ï‚· Supply Chain Analysis
ï‚· Customer Segmentation Analysis
ï‚· Strategic Business Units
ï‚· PEST and STEEP
ï‚· The Full Range of Analytical Models

Advanced Techniques
ï‚· Psychological Profiling
 Shadowing Reverse Engineering
ï‚· Global Intelligence
ï‚· Case Studies
ï‚· New Product Launch
ï‚· Threat of New Competition
ï‚· Competitor with Superior Products
ï‚· Sudden Change in Key Competitors
ï‚· CI Systems

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