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Our company also takes the Management Staff of different organisations on study/working tour around the globe to avail them the opportunity to learn, see, feel, experience and compare notes and management practices with their global contemporaries and replicate same in Nigeria as part of the transformation agenda and innovations needed on the job.
Whether you are a mid-level or top-level manager, you are probably engaged in a strategic planning process and are responsible to see to the success of your organization. The McTimothy Associates’ Overseas Training delivers practice-oriented courses, ensuring the most desirable outcomes for both companies and individuals
McTimothy Associates is an accredited corporate training provider globally. Our goal is to ensure the success of our clients through our training and capacity building which would give you world -class templates and opportunities in this 21st century when standard and efficient service delivery is the benchmark of every organization succes.
Our Global Learning™ option involves a critical analysis of and engagement with complex, interdependent global systems and legacies (such as natural, economic, physical, social, cultural, technological, and political) and their implications for people’s lives and the earth’s sustainability.
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